Track Machine

Rescue Crane

Rail-Mounted diesel-electric and hydraulic cranes with a lifting capacity from 16T to 200T, Self-propelled for rescue, construction, repair and maintenance of the railway line.

Rail Grinder

The Rail Grinder is a rail-borne machine which consists of two wagons and has 16 grinding spindles with independent angular adjustment. Each of the spindles is driven by a frequency-controlled electrical motor. The computer-monitored grinding process is controlled with a touch pad by the operator inside of the cabin.

Catenary Maintenance Vehicle

Catenary Maintenance Vehicle is a self-propelled, double-unit vehicle with hydrostatically powered cars. The CMV is designed to provide repair and maintenance of catenary lines and elements in its vicinity. It also makes it possible to carry out work on supporting construction of the contact lines. The vehicle is equipped with a fixed platform, a mobile platform, a hydraulic crane, catenary line positioning machine, a pantograph with measuring system, support rollers and hydraulic winches.

Electric Road-Rail Mobile Flash Butt Welder for Track Welding

The rail/road welder, easy and safe to use, thanks to its high performance, compact dimensions and extraordinary versatility, enables operating costs to be reduced to the minimum while guaranteeing high quality results. The butt and flash welding systems enable cost savings while offering better guarantees of high-quality results. VAIA CAR S.p.A. has designed and patented a new welding head called KUBE. The distinguishing feature of this new welding head is its ability to pre-tension the rails in accordance with the input data.

Points and Track Panels Replacement and Laying Systems

The TLPS-6500 patented points laying system is ideally suited for the handling of large track panels or points in safe conditions, without deflection and with the great advantage of being able to effect laying operations by entering the excavation site head-on and not from the side, thereby avoiding the problem of having to hold up traffic on the adjacent railway line.

Tamping Systems

For ballast tamping operations, VAIA CAR has the experience and expertise to be able to offer a wide range of solutions customized to your requirements, guaranteeing maximum efficiency and cost savings.

Track and Railway Line Diagnostics Systems

Track and rail/road motor cars and rail/road locomotives can be equipped with rail diagnostics systems. The system proposed is an integrated modular measuring system, installed in the vehicle, with the ability to detect all the parameters characteristic of the rail track. Each module of the integrated system uses optical units, “contactless” technology, based on the principle of triangulation between focused lasers and a high-resolution camera.

Mobile Cranes/Road-Rail Excavators

The mobile cranes/road-rail excavators are powerful, fast, reliable, safe and simple to use, with a wide range of interchangeable equipment. You can choose from the different models according to your specific work requirements.

Interchangeable Attachments for Mobile Cranes/Road-Rail Excavators

VAIA CAR mobile crane/excavators can be equipped with interchangeable attachments of various types designed to meet all possible working requirements in both construction and in railway situations. The range of interchangeable attachments for these machines includes all types of buckets, tie replacement systems, single and dual tamping heads, single and dual ballast compactors, concrete tie handling and laying devices, rail lifters, silenced demolition hammers and brush cutters.

Hydraulic Lifting Machines

Hydraulic lifting machines make it possible to lift, move laterally and lay points of various dimensions. The possibility of moving the hooks and supporting columns considerably reduces the difficulties involved in hooking the points. The performance characteristics of the basic model hydraulic lifting machine (SI-300) can be adapted, on request, to special working requirements.

Rail Loading Systems

The rail loading system for quick-sequence rail yards consists essentially of a TCR-V model rail crane with two articulated booms, independently controlled, and of a skid wagon having a mobile cab with access from the front. The rails are loaded with the aid of a multilayer sliding roller conveyor with mobile arms that arrange the rails in layers one on top of the other. The roller conveyors may be of different types depending on the type of rails in question, the number of loading layers to be prepared and the number of rails to be handled per layer. The dimensions and specifications of the crane may be customized and therefore adapted to various operating requirements.

Road-Rail Radio-Controlled Locomotives

Road-rail locomotives, with their extremely versatile design, are powerful and compact. They have a self-positioning system that enables them to change rapidly from the road to the rail configuration and vice versa. On request, they may be set up with special equipment such as: rail crane, elevatable platform for the maintenance of electric power lines, tamping units with semi-automatic control or radio-control.

Track Motor Cars for Railway Maintenance

Auxiliary rail trucks suit railway line inspection and maintenance as well as transport of personnel and materials of any kind. They are usually equipped with crane with articulated boom for loading and unloading of materials from the rear body.

Track Motor Cars for Electrified Overhead Power Line Maintenance

These road-rail track motor cars are ideal for the inspection and maintenance of electrified overhead power lines. They may be equipped with an inspection basket mounted on an articulated crane and/or with a platform permitting vertical and lateral travel for higher capacities. They have a self-positioning system that enables them to change rapidly from the road to the rail configuration or vice versa.

Rail Trolleys

The rail trolleys are designed for the transportation of various railway infrastructure components. They may be self-propelled, radio-controlled, towed, complete with a platform for the load to be lifted, complete with a support for the load to be shifted laterally, hydraulically controlled or with inertial movement control and set up for the transportation of rails or sleepers